(888)552-6760 安排谘詢





  • 患者保險的支付方法,可包括商業健康保險,汽車保險,工人賠償保險,或政府健康保險,例如政府健康保險範圍。如醫療保險,醫療補助或退伍軍人管理等等
  • 這些保險金提供方法,包括醫療保險和醫療補助所應用的預期支付方法,通常與費用時間表收費直接相關或收費百分比,
  • The patient’s level of coverage, particular insurance plan (e.g. HMO, PPO, etc.), network participation status of each provider, and the patient’s currently outstanding benefits within the patient’s plan benefit package, including co-pays, co-insurance, remaining deductible, and OOP maximum,
  • The most appropriate services, as determined by the patient’s treating and/or referring physician(s) at the time they receive the services, and acknowledging that the patient’s actual medical need, as determined be the treating physician at the time of service, may be substantially different than the anticipated medical need prior to provision of the medical treatment or services.
  • 雖然估計可通過CTCA獲得®Phoenix為大多數預定的服務,醫療保健的性質,包括上述因素,決定了適當的護理水平,從而不能準確地確定該護理的患者oop成本,直到實際上提供護理。
  • The actual cost for which the insurance and/or patient may be responsible are often, although not always, significantly less than the total charges posted to a patient’s account, and thus, estimating payer cost or patient OOP responsibility using a fee schedule alone will not produce an accurate estimate.

